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what members say

from our members, in their own words...

“It’s so helpful to have a group that I can identify more closely with (young onset).”

 “There is large hole when it comes to 'true' YOPD support groups. This group appears to be on the right track of catering the content to match our age demographic of the YOPD community.

“Thank you for your efforts. It's a beacon of hope for me, and that's a rare thing these days.”

“The program that you have put together is simply outstanding. I just want to personally thank you for everything you're doing for the Parkinson's community.” 

YOPN meetings make me feel like I'm not alone in this battle. ”

“This was the first time I attended such a meeting.  I was diagnosed almost 11 years ago, and I've kept to myself. But this opens my eyes.”

“One of the best things is getting to listen to different perspectives and knowing that I am not alone in this journey.”

“It's easier to push forward knowing that there are others out there who are fighting the same fight and attacking things with a positive, unwavering determination. I appreciate all that the organization has done to provide this resource.”

“YOPN is run by people who have YOPD and understand the challenges and issues - offering value-added insights not available anywhere else.”

“My husband was recently diagnosed at age 49 and it is very inspiring to see younger people dealing with this disease and not letting it stop them from being active and positive.”

We can't wait to welcome you to our community. Join us today! Living well starts here.

© 2021-2024 Young Onset Parkinson’s Network.
All rights reserved.

Young Onset Parkinson’s Network is sponsored in part by a grant from the Parkinson’s Foundation.

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