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Tips for Travel with YOPD

07/31/2024 2:59 PM | Anonymous

Travel is a fantastic way for some rest and relaxation. Before you head out for your summer adventure, consider these travel tips.

Plan Ahead – Stress can impact your mind, body, and spirit. Take the time to plan as much of your trip as possible in advance. Don’t wait to start packing until the night before you leave. And remember to pack light!

Give Yourself Plenty of Time -

  • If you are driving, have your stops planned out for stretching, bathroom breaks, gas, and food.
  • When traveling by air: Get to the airport early, consider getting help to carry your bags, allow yourself extra time to board the plane, and consider reserving a wheelchair if walking those long terminals may be difficult and tiring.
  • Consider train travel as a great way to reduce stress and reach your destination.
  • It is important to give yourself some downtime each day. Even a 15-minute break can be a great way to rejuvenate yourself and allow you to participate in important activities later.

Keep Your Medications with You - Don’t pack your medications in your checked luggage, keep them in your carry on! Keep your medications in their original bottles for identification purposes. Also, make sure you have additional days of doses in case you experience a travel delay returning home.

Stay on Your Regular Medication Schedule – If you are traveling across time zones, consider keeping your watch on your home time until you start the first new day at your destination.

Take extra precautions where you can - Covid and other airborne illnesses can still pose a high risk for those with YOPD. Wearing an N95 mask while traveling is a simple, unobtrusive way to keep  you and your family safe.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate – Because thirst can be affected by Parkinson’s, make sure you are keeping hydrated. If you only drink when you are thirsty, you may already be dehydrated.

Wear Sunscreen – If you take carbidopa levodopa (Sinemet, Sinemet CR, Rytary, Duopa), this medication makes you more sensitive to the sun and heat.

Have Fun Enjoy your time and have a safe journey!

Angela Robb is a wife, YOPD carepartner, and caregiving advocate. You can read more about Angela & her husband, Karl’s journey with Parkinson’s at

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