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My 10 Rules to Live By by Frank Antonicelli

10/15/2024 10:37 AM | Anonymous

Living with Parkinson's Disease for the past 17 years has certainly shaped my life in an interesting way. I've been fortunate enough to reflect and discover some guiding principles that help me stay positive, find happiness, and lead a fulfilled life. Here are my ‘rules to live by’:

1. Life is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

I’ve embraced the art of being "patiently persistent"—moving forward even when progress seems small. This mindset keeps me grounded and reminds me that this is where my wins and lasting success come from.

2. Enjoy and Embrace the Journey

I feel gratitude for every small victory, every peaceful moment, and every smile along the way. I’m especially thankful for the incredible people I’ve met who have supported and inspired me. Parkinson’s has brought unexpected gifts in these meaningful connections and moments.

3. Stop and Smell the Roses

I make it a priority to slow down and appreciate the beauty around me. During one of my daily bike rides, I stopped and took in the fresh air, the cool breeze, the birds chirping in the trees, and the feeling of my heartbeat as I came to a rest. These moments keep me grounded and grateful.

4. Consistency over Speed

Living with Parkinson's requires adaptability and a shift in mindset. I know I can’t move as quickly and nimbly as I used to, and that’s okay. I remind myself that consistency, not speed, is what matters. It’s a ‘Use It or Lose It’ approach—staying active and persistent ensures that what I set out to accomplish will get done, even if it’s on my own timeline.

5. Create Your Happiness and Well-being
While the love and support of others are invaluable, I believe that true happiness originates from within. I focus on cultivating my own inner peace and contentment, even in the face of the challenges that Parkinson's brings.

6. You've Got to Lose to Know How to Win

Every loss or setback has been an opportunity for growth. Parkinson's has taken many things away from me, but on the flip side, it’s also given me new perspectives and a mindset for focusing on the positive in every situation that comes my way.

7. Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them Do Unto You

I try my best to treat everyone with the kindness I would want in return, recognizing that we all have our struggles, even if they aren’t visible.

8. Don’t Think About the Past or Worry About the Future—Live in the Present

Whether we like it or not, the past is unchangeable, so I make sure to focus on what’s happening today.

9. All You Need is Love

At the end of the day, it’s love that keeps me moving forward—love for myself and for others. It’s this love that reminds me I have the support and care to take on any hurdle that comes my way.

10. Harness the Power of Faith
Faith is the foundation of everything I do. For me, starting and ending each day with God at the center brings a deep sense of peace and strength, reminding me that I’m never alone on this journey. But faith doesn’t have to be tied to religion—it can simply mean trusting in something greater than yourself. It’s the belief that no matter how difficult the road ahead may seem, there’s always hope and purpose.

These guiding principles are not just for navigating life with Parkinson’s, but for life as a whole. They help me find balance, stay hopeful, and approach each day with gratitude.

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